This line chart visualizes 3 different degree scenarios (2°C, 4°C & 6°C) from 2010 to 2050 modeled using CDP and IEA ETP 2014 data alongside a target scenario that tracks Compact of States and Regions targets. Analysis is based on the 43 of 62 governments with region-wide GHG targets and inventories that have joined the Compact of States and Regions.
The scenarios reflect the following:
- 6DS: reflects a ‘business as usual’ projection that doesn't include national or state and regional commitments to reduce emissions;
- 4DS: reflects a 'reference case' projection that includes pre-2012 national commitments to reduce emissions;
- 2DS: reflects the pathway to implement a sustainable energy system in line with a 2° world; and,
- CTS: reflects state and regional commitments to reduce emissions.