Catalog of actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in cities, as reported by city governments participating in CDP in 2015. Activities are tagged by sector and cities provide detailed descriptions of each activity. Some cities also provide estimates of the total anticipated lifetime emissions that will be reduced from each activity.
List of the economic opportunities arising from climate change, as assessed by city governments. Contains a description of how the city government is seeking to maximize the opportunities.
Catalog of actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in cities, as reported by city governments participating in CDP in 2012. Activities are tagged by sector and cities provide detailed descriptions of each activity. Some cities also provide estimates of the total anticipated lifetime emissions that will be reduced from each activity.
List of incentives that city governments provide to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in their cities. Contains the type of incentive (monetary, recognition, etc), the potential beneficiary, and a description.
CDP is working in partnership with The Climate Group to provide the world’s first global platform for states and regions to measure, manage and disclose their greenhouse gas emissions. CDP and The Climate Group are united in their firm belief on the vital role that state and regional governments play in driving climate action and delivering sustainable economies that avoid dangerous climate change and leads to a net-zero emissions world.
List of incentives that city governments provide to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in their cities. Contains the type of incentive (monetary, recognition, etc), the potential beneficiary, and a description.
Cities house half the world’s population but represent almost two-thirds of global energy demand and 70% of carbon emissions from the energy sector. Therefore, our cities have a vital role to play in the transition to a sustainable economy. This dataset provides information on the fuel consumed in a city. The question in the 2017 CDP Questionnaire was as follows: "Please give the total amount of fuel (referring to Scope 1 emissions) consumed in your city during the reporting year."
This dataset includes the summary of publicly disclosing African cities in 2019. For detailed responses of the cities, please refer to the dataset titled "2019 African Cities Response".
This dataset provides a summary of all cities reporting to CDP in 2019 that are members of the Global Covenant of Mayors (GCOM). For detailed responses of the cities, please refer to the dataset titled GCOM Cities Responses 25th Sept 2019.