Scope 1 and 2 emissions from 403 of the largest 500 companies in the world by market capitalization. Also contains CDP response status. The dataset includes information on a company's sector, country and response status as well as the ticker symbol and ISIN number. For disclosing companies, information includes CDP Disclosure and Performance scores.
Scope 1 and 2 emissions from 398 of the largest 500 companies in the world by market capitalization. Also contains CDP response status. The dataset includes information on a company's sector, country and response status as well as the ticker symbol and ISIN number. For disclosing companies, information includes CDP Disclosure and Performance scores.
List of the economic opportunities arising from climate change, as assessed by city governments. Contains a description of how the city government is seeking to maximize the opportunities.
Catalog of actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in cities, as reported by city governments participating in CDP in 2012. Activities are tagged by sector and cities provide detailed descriptions of each activity. Some cities also provide estimates of the total anticipated lifetime emissions that will be reduced from each activity.
List of incentives that city governments provide to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in their cities. Contains the type of incentive (monetary, recognition, etc), the potential beneficiary, and a description.
Risks from climate change identified and reported by city governments. Includes a list of the anticipated effects of climate change, timescale, and seriousness
This dataset contains public responses to the CDP Cities 2012 questionnaire. If you have any questions about this dataset or how to use the data, please contact
Scope 1 and 2 emissions from 398 of the largest 500 companies in the world by market capitalization. Also contains CDP response status. The dataset includes information on a company's sector, country and response status as well as the ticker symbol and ISIN number. For disclosing companies, information includes CDP Disclosure and Performance scores.