13 Results
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Tags > adaptation
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- Adaptation Actions
- Cities
- Climate Hazards
- Companies
- Emissions
- Governance
- Mitigation Actions
- Opportunities
- Renewable Energy
- States and Regions
- Water
- adaptation
- 2011
- 2020 full states and regions dataset
- assessment
- business
- city-business collaboration
- civil society
- climate action plans
- climate adaption
- co-benefits
- covid
- data story
- gpc
- local authority
- renewables
- scope 2
- socioeconomic impacts
- vulnerability
- africa
- climate risk and vulnerability assessments
- scope 1
- urban health
- carbon emissions
- climate adaptation
- electricity mix
- cities adaptation
- collaboration
- forests
- full responses
- excel format
- opportunities
- a-list cities
- gcom
- government
- sectors
- economy
- planning
- economic opportunities
- 2020 full cities dataset
- water security
- 2012
- emissions reduction
- actions
- c40
- risks
- targets
- co2
- 2022 insights
- air pollution
- energy
- regions
- states
- 2018
- 2023 insights
- mitigation
- renewable energy
- water
- emissions
- 2020
- 2015
- 2016
- decarbonization
- 2019
- states and regions
- climate hazards
- 2013
- 2017
- 2023
- 2022
- 2021
- climate action
- 2014
- climate change
- ghg emissions
- cities
13 Results
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Tags > adaptation
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This dataset contains 2023 data on cities' climate action plans, including adaptation, mitigation, and energy access and/or poverty. All data was self reported by cities through CDP-ICLEI Track in 2023. Browse the header menu to access supporting resources - including 2023 cities questionnaire guidance, our Open Data Portal user guide, and Introducing Cities, States and Regions Data webinar recording.
This data is collected through the CDP-ICLEI Unified Reporting System. When using this data, please cite both organisations using the following wording: ‘This data was collected in partnership by CDP and ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability’.
For further guidance on how to reference this data for use in external publications, please refer to the Open Data Portal Terms of Use available on the homepage.
April 3 2024
This dataset contains 2021 data on cities' adaptation actions related to water security risks. The data was reported by cities through the CDP-ICLEI Unified Reporting System in 2021 in response to question 14.3 - "Please select the actions you are taking to reduce the risks to your city’s water security" - in the 2021 CDP Cities questionnaire. View cities questionnaire guidance at https://www.cdp.net/en/guidance/guidance-for-cities. Please contact cities@cdp.net if you have any questions.
This data is collected through the CDP-ICLEI Unified Reporting System. When using this data, please cite both organisations using the following wording: ‘This data was collected in partnership by CDP and ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability’.
For further guidance on how to reference this data for use in external publications, please refer to the Open Data Portal Terms of Use available on the homepage.
February 16 2022
This dataset contains responses by Regions4 members to questions on adaptation actions in the 2021 CDP States and Regions Questionnaire.
June 7 2023
Showing 11 to 13 of 13 results
- 2011 (1)
- 2012 (12)
- 2013 (38)
- 2014 (58)
- 2015 (27)
- 2016 (30)
- 2017 (38)
- 2018 (19)
- 2019 (33)
- 2020 (25)
- 2020 full cities dataset (10)
- 2020 full states and regions dataset (1)
- 2021 (47)
- 2022 (42)
- 2022 insights (16)
- 2023 (38)
- 2023 insights (19)
- a-list cities (6)
- actions (13)
- adaptation
- africa (2)
- air pollution (17)
- assessment (1)
- business (1)
- c40 (13)
- carbon emissions (3)
- cities (279)
- cities adaptation (4)
- city-business collaboration (1)
- civil society (1)
- climate action (48)
- climate action plans (1)
- climate adaptation (3)
- climate adaption (1)
- climate change (98)
- climate hazards (36)
- climate risk and vulnerability assessments (2)
- co-benefits (1)
- co2 (15)
- collaboration (4)
- covid (1)
- data story (1)
- decarbonization (31)
- economic opportunities (9)
- economy (7)
- electricity mix (3)
- emissions (24)
- emissions reduction (12)
- energy (17)
- excel format (5)
- forests (4)
- full responses (4)
- gcom (6)
- ghg emissions (120)
- government (6)
- gpc (1)
- local authority (1)
- mitigation (20)
- opportunities (5)
- planning (8)
- regions (18)
- renewable energy (20)
- renewables (1)
- risks (14)
- scope 1 (2)
- scope 2 (1)
- sectors (6)
- socioeconomic impacts (1)
- states (18)
- states and regions (34)
- targets (14)
- urban health (2)
- vulnerability (1)
- water (23)
- water security (10)