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Tags > cities
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- Climate actions (mitigation, adaptation and energy)
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- Emissions reduction targets
- Full cities, states and regions datasets
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- Multilevel Governance
- Other environmental themes
- 2011
- 2020 full states and regions dataset
- assessment
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- city-business collaboration
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- socioeconomic impacts
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- africa
- climate risk and vulnerability assessments
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- urban health
- carbon emissions
- climate adaptation
- electricity mix
- cities adaptation
- collaboration
- forests
- full responses
- excel format
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- a-list cities
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- economy
- planning
- 2020 full cities dataset
- economic opportunities
- water security
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- emissions reduction
- actions
- adaptation
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- energy
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- renewable energy
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- emissions
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- ghg emissions
- cities
275 Results
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Tags > cities
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cdp by emission activity COMMUNITY CREATED
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Catalog of actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in cities, as reported by city governments participating in CDP in 2015. Activities are tagged by sector and cities provide detailed descriptions of each activity. Some cities also provide estimates of the total anticipated lifetime emissions that will be reduced from each activity.
October 18 2024
Activities 2016 Pretoria COMMUNITY CREATED
Mitigation Actions
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In 2016, over 3,000 mitigation actions were disclosed. Cities are taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in cities. Activities are tagged by sector and cities provide detailed descriptions of each activity. Some cities also provide estimates of the total anticipated lifetime emissions that will be reduced from each activity.
October 18 2024
In 2016, 189 global cities publicly disclosed their annual city-wide emissions. Includes information about how cities measured emissions (primary protocol), as well as why emissions rose/fell since prior reporting period.
September 21 2018
CDP Cities program - Climate Hazards and Impacts 2016 COMMUNITY CREATED
Climate Hazards
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In 2016, cities reported over 2,000 climate hazards that are impacting their cities. Globally, cities are reporting that health and community will be most impacted by climate change.
October 21 2024
perth cdp reported data COMMUNITY CREATED
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Catalog of actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in cities, as reported by city governments participating in CDP in 2015. Activities are tagged by sector and cities provide detailed descriptions of each activity. Some cities also provide estimates of the total anticipated lifetime emissions that will be reduced from each activity.
October 4 2018
- 2011 (1)
- 2012 (11)
- 2013 (30)
- 2014 (58)
- 2015 (27)
- 2016 (29)
- 2017 (38)
- 2018 (19)
- 2019 (33)
- 2020 (25)
- 2020 full cities dataset (9)
- 2020 full states and regions dataset (1)
- 2021 (47)
- 2022 (42)
- 2022 insights (16)
- 2023 (38)
- 2023 insights (19)
- a-list cities (6)
- actions (13)
- adaptation (13)
- africa (2)
- air pollution (17)
- assessment (1)
- business (1)
- c40 (13)
- carbon emissions (3)
- cities (275)
- cities adaptation (4)
- city-business collaboration (1)
- civil society (1)
- climate action (45)
- climate action plans (1)
- climate adaptation (3)
- climate adaption (1)
- climate change (84)
- climate hazards (36)
- climate risk and vulnerability assessments (2)
- co-benefits (1)
- co2 (15)
- collaboration (4)
- covid (1)
- data story (1)
- decarbonization (31)
- economic opportunities (9)
- economy (7)
- electricity mix (3)
- emissions (24)
- emissions reduction (12)
- energy (17)
- excel format (5)
- forests (4)
- full responses (4)
- gcom (6)
- ghg emissions (104)
- government (6)
- gpc (1)
- local authority (1)
- mitigation (20)
- opportunities (5)
- planning (8)
- regions (18)
- renewable energy (20)
- renewables (1)
- risks (14)
- scope 1 (2)
- scope 2 (1)
- sectors (6)
- socioeconomic impacts (1)
- states (18)
- states and regions (34)
- targets (14)
- urban health (2)
- vulnerability (1)
- water (23)
- water security (10)