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36 Results
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Tags > climate hazards
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CDP’s new infographic report ‘Who’s tackling urban water challenges’, produced in partnership with AECOM, the global infrastructure firm, and funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies, shows the first and most comprehensive dataset of global water action by cities and companies produced to date. Using information gathered from 569 cities and 1,432 companies, each reporting their water management activity, it illustrates how global cities and companies are responding to the escalating challenge of climate change and urban population growth.
Explore how cities and companies are acting on water, the CDP infographic report ‘Who’s in charge of Water Governance’, with case studies and full data is available at www.cdp.net/cities.
October 4 2018
This dataset contains 2021 data on cities' climate change impacts on health and health systems, as reported by cities through the CDP-ICLEI Unified Reporting System in response to question 2.3a in the 2021 Cities questionnaire. View cities questionnaire guidance at https://www.cdp.net/en/guidance/guidance-for-cities. Please contact cities@cdp.net if you have any questions.
This data is collected through the CDP-ICLEI Unified Reporting System. When using this data, please cite both organisations using the following wording: ‘This data was collected in partnership by CDP and ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability’.
For further guidance on how to reference this data for use in external publications, please refer to the Open Data Portal Terms of Use available on the homepage.
June 7 2023
CDP’s new infographic report ‘Who’s tackling urban water challenges’, produced in partnership with AECOM, the global infrastructure firm, and funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies, shows the first and most comprehensive dataset of global water action by cities and companies produced to date. Using information gathered from 569 cities and 1,432 companies, each reporting their water management activity, it illustrates how global cities and companies are responding to the escalating challenge of climate change and urban population growth.
The cities most concerned about their water supply lie in Asia and Oceania (84%); with serious risks also identified in Africa (80%) and Latin America (75%). 63% of North American cities deem climate change a risk to water supply, with fewer cities concerned in Europe (34%). 196 cities reported risks of water stress and scarcity; 132 a risk of declining water quality and 103 a risk of flooding.
Explore how cities and companies are acting on water, the CDP infographic report ‘Who’s in charge of Water Governance’, with case studies and full data is available at www.cdp.net/cities.
September 21 2018
C40 Citywide Risks and Timescales 2014 COMMUNITY CREATED
Climate Hazards
Risks from climate change identified and reported by city governments. Includes a list of the anticipated effects of climate change, timescale, and seriousness
September 21 2018
cities hazards 2016 COMMUNITY CREATED
Climate Hazards
In 2016, cities reported over 2,000 climate hazards that are impacting their cities. Globally, cities are reporting that health and community will be most impacted by climate change.
October 4 2018
CDP Cities program - Climate Hazards and Impacts 2016 COMMUNITY CREATED
Climate Hazards
Filtered View
In 2016, cities reported over 2,000 climate hazards that are impacting their cities. Globally, cities are reporting that health and community will be most impacted by climate change.
October 4 2018
- 2011 (1)
- 2012 (12)
- 2013 (38)
- 2014 (58)
- 2015 (27)
- 2016 (30)
- 2017 (38)
- 2018 (19)
- 2019 (33)
- 2020 (25)
- 2020 full cities dataset (10)
- 2020 full states and regions dataset (1)
- 2021 (47)
- 2022 (42)
- 2022 insights (16)
- 2023 (38)
- 2023 insights (19)
- a-list cities (6)
- actions (13)
- adaptation (13)
- africa (2)
- air pollution (17)
- assessment (1)
- business (1)
- c40 (13)
- carbon emissions (3)
- cities (279)
- cities adaptation (4)
- city-business collaboration (1)
- civil society (1)
- climate action (48)
- climate action plans (1)
- climate adaptation (3)
- climate adaption (1)
- climate change (98)
- climate hazards
- climate risk and vulnerability assessments (2)
- co-benefits (1)
- co2 (15)
- collaboration (4)
- covid (1)
- data story (1)
- decarbonization (31)
- economic opportunities (9)
- economy (7)
- electricity mix (3)
- emissions (24)
- emissions reduction (12)
- energy (17)
- excel format (5)
- forests (4)
- full responses (4)
- gcom (6)
- ghg emissions (120)
- government (6)
- gpc (1)
- local authority (1)
- mitigation (20)
- opportunities (5)
- planning (8)
- regions (18)
- renewable energy (20)
- renewables (1)
- risks (14)
- scope 1 (2)
- scope 2 (1)
- sectors (6)
- socioeconomic impacts (1)
- states (18)
- states and regions (34)
- targets (14)
- urban health (2)
- vulnerability (1)
- water (23)
- water security (10)