31 Results
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Tags > decarbonization
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- Adaptation Actions
- Cities
- Climate Hazards
- Companies
- Emissions
- Governance
- Mitigation Actions
- Opportunities
- Renewable Energy
- States and Regions
- Water
- decarbonization
- 2011
- 2020 full states and regions dataset
- assessment
- business
- city-business collaboration
- civil society
- climate action plans
- climate adaption
- co-benefits
- covid
- data story
- gpc
- local authority
- renewables
- scope 2
- socioeconomic impacts
- vulnerability
- africa
- climate risk and vulnerability assessments
- scope 1
- urban health
- carbon emissions
- climate adaptation
- electricity mix
- cities adaptation
- collaboration
- forests
- full responses
- excel format
- opportunities
- a-list cities
- gcom
- government
- sectors
- economy
- planning
- economic opportunities
- 2020 full cities dataset
- water security
- 2012
- emissions reduction
- actions
- adaptation
- c40
- risks
- targets
- co2
- 2022 insights
- air pollution
- energy
- regions
- states
- 2018
- 2023 insights
- mitigation
- renewable energy
- water
- emissions
- 2020
- 2015
- 2016
- 2019
- states and regions
- climate hazards
- 2013
- 2017
- 2023
- 2022
- 2021
- climate action
- 2014
- climate change
- ghg emissions
- cities
31 Results
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Tags > decarbonization
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- 2011 (1)
- 2012 (12)
- 2013 (38)
- 2014 (58)
- 2015 (27)
- 2016 (30)
- 2017 (38)
- 2018 (19)
- 2019 (33)
- 2020 (25)
- 2020 full cities dataset (10)
- 2020 full states and regions dataset (1)
- 2021 (47)
- 2022 (42)
- 2022 insights (16)
- 2023 (38)
- 2023 insights (19)
- a-list cities (6)
- actions (13)
- adaptation (13)
- africa (2)
- air pollution (17)
- assessment (1)
- business (1)
- c40 (13)
- carbon emissions (3)
- cities (279)
- cities adaptation (4)
- city-business collaboration (1)
- civil society (1)
- climate action (48)
- climate action plans (1)
- climate adaptation (3)
- climate adaption (1)
- climate change (98)
- climate hazards (36)
- climate risk and vulnerability assessments (2)
- co-benefits (1)
- co2 (15)
- collaboration (4)
- covid (1)
- data story (1)
- decarbonization
- economic opportunities (9)
- economy (7)
- electricity mix (3)
- emissions (24)
- emissions reduction (12)
- energy (17)
- excel format (5)
- forests (4)
- full responses (4)
- gcom (6)
- ghg emissions (120)
- government (6)
- gpc (1)
- local authority (1)
- mitigation (20)
- opportunities (5)
- planning (8)
- regions (18)
- renewable energy (20)
- renewables (1)
- risks (14)
- scope 1 (2)
- scope 2 (1)
- sectors (6)
- socioeconomic impacts (1)
- states (18)
- states and regions (34)
- targets (14)
- urban health (2)
- vulnerability (1)
- water (23)
- water security (10)